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Need help making sales on Etsy↓

Are you an Etsy seller just getting started or struggling to make daily sales?

When I launched my Etsy shop in late 2020 with no prior digital or SEO experience, I quickly became a top 1% Etsy seller in my first year. I spent a lot of time figuring out how to get found online and It’s continued to keep my shop running on autopilot ever since. I’m always happy to share what I know. If this sounds like you, the posts below are here to help you make sense of it all. They are worth a read if you are serious about growing your Etsy business!

I spend a lot of time connecting with my community over on Instagram & I’d love to have you over there.

I love seeing what you make and sharing it with my followers. You can find helpful tips & tricks over there as well as new files and giveaways. If you ever have any questions about my products feel free to send me a message over there. I’m usually quick to respond! Don’t forget to join the mailing list for freebies and offers that are just for my VIP list. Happy crafting♥︎